Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Images of dog faces inside circles of orbs.

Tonight my first pictures didnt have any Orbs in it until my granddaughters came out and they showed up. I zoomed in on some and see faces of dogs in them. Could this be because we have 5 dogs living here now and/or because we love dogs? Do the Orbs love the energy of children and pets? Either way I love how their faces are surrounded by a circle of light...an angel.
In the past I have noticed many different animals in the circles of orbs. I've seen a wolf, a fish, a bear, a tiger,even a mermaid. Are these spirit guides...power animals...messages coming in symbols? I am anxious to find out.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you do find out then I will also know as well as I too have had lots of different things within my orbs pics... Namaste'
