Monday, December 6, 2010

Fairies Do Exist!

While viewing my Orb photos I began to notice more than Orbs.
Then one evening in March '10 while I was holding my new puppy in one hand and laughing something zapped my cheek lightly and I also saw a spark of light. I had my camera in hand and snapped a picture and captures something . I'll let you decide what you think it might be.
I decided to take a look at other photos and noticed similar looking beings over several months.
The other photos were in April and Aug. '09
Click on picture to zoom in.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ladder symbols or something else?

I have several photos from different months..Dec '08, Jan. '09, March '09, Aug. 'o9 etc. That has some sort of design in it.
At times I see a ladder and it times it looks like a lady standing.
Do you see the same thing or maybe something different?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Do you see faces inside this Orb?

Tonights Orb is very similar to one thats in many photos I've taken.
Is it several spirits and/or Ascended Masters... possibly in this one Orb.
It is many family members visiting that stay together in one Orb???

I can see a darker spot in it that seems to be showing a face of someone.
I'd love to hear if anyone has an idea about it.